Electronic lectures - things to note

Good quality electronic lectures are an important factor determining the success of training programs of enterprises and organizations.

Building e-learning is an integral part of any online training program. However, not all businesses can build appropriate and effective lectures. Before starting to work, let's consult with Acabiz for the notes when building an electronic lecture through the article below.

Build lessons according to a certain process

Before proceeding with the implementation of e-learning courses, it is essential to have a proper process in place. Those who are directly involved in these processes need to know at what stage of the process they are, what are their duties? Who is censoring my content? When problems arise, who will make the decisions? This not only makes the working process more professional, but also saves time and improves efficiency.

>> The process of building E-learning lessons for businesses

Electronic lectures - things to note

Prepare a plan, brief content

Having a clear plan and goal for building e-learning will support the team to directly engage in work focused on the goal to be achieved. This is also a necessary factor for the construction of the lesson to take place in the most smooth and effective way. You should divide the plan into small parts, assign them to staff and have a specific deadline.

In particular, the stage of content creation is extremely important. First of all, it is necessary to unify and get the most concise content with different lectures and sections. In addition to that are the requirements that each section's own goals. From there, the production team will build the most appropriate and attractive electronic lecture. A note for you is that the parts of the lecture content need to be seamless, logical and convey the most important content.

Choosing the right way to present electronic lectures

In order for electronic lectures to convey information attractively, lecture developers also need to pay attention to using diverse and appropriate expressions. These are small notes but have a big effect for electronic lectures. Specifically, for the use of colors, fonts, and sizes should be appropriate. You can also use contrast and color to create accents.

Build e-lectures

In addition, the forms of presenting electronic lectures such as using images and videos will bring interest, help learners access information and remember more effectively. You can also refer to images and videos from many sources to create richness and attractiveness for your electronic lectures. Not only will this work for most participants, but it will also help you achieve your learning and training goals more quickly.

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Approach as a learning participant

Teaching will become a rut when the trainer participates in teaching many times with the same content. So do content both from the learner's position. Where is the most important knowledge, highlight it. How do learners want to access knowledge? How to easily apply in daily work. To do this, you can conduct small surveys before proceeding to build your e-learning courses.

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Electronic lectures in training programs

Use available resources

The use of available resources will help you save maximum time in creating lectures. In addition to building your own content, you can consult material from a variety of sources. The materials taken from the real world will definitely be the most intuitive examples, helping students to apply the knowledge they have learned in practice.


These are the things you really need to keep in mind if you want to build the most appropriate, effective and economical e-learning course. If you pay attention and apply, your business will get good lectures, appropriate training programs.