Some ways to promote the ability of introverted personnel

In the book Quiet published in 2012, there is a quote that many people love: "The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking". In the following article, we will go to learn the How to promote the ability of introverted personnel.

Traits of introverts

Before learning How to promote the ability of introverted personnel, we need to understand how introverted employees are. There are many opinions that the value of introverts at work is often underestimated than other people. Specifically, when they go to work, they prefer a low-impact, quiet, quiet, not noisy, or vibrant environment... in contrast to extroverts.

Introverted HR is someone who is extremely successful at work

Many people also say that introverts are autistic, socially withdrawn. In fact, it's just that their way of seeing society differs from extroverts. Introverted personnel are often not skillful in expressing themselves, so they often cause misunderstandings. Some basic characteristics of introverted personnel that managers need to know:

- Introverts are quite passive: Due to their introverted nature, they rarely express themselves in public. Often timid, closed and shy, in meetings they are often quite passive, not contributing ideas. They are more likely to play a supporting role than a leader.

- Introverts like to work alone. They do not like to socialize and work in groups. They like a quiet workspace and don't want to be disturbed. Therefore, it is difficult for them to participate in group work, but they are extremely important people when recording the members' opinions.

- Introverts are slow: With introverts, they need time to think about the information they receive. They mulled over the plan thoroughly before voicing their opinions. They work in a methodical, professional manner with solid evidence.

- Introverts often produce better work results than extroverts, research shows they attract the best ideas.

How to promote the orientation ability of introverted personnel

Introverted human resource management is being interested by many leaders. Human resources in the company always exist in two forms: extroverted personnel and introverted personnel. As CEOs, we need to pay more attention to this introverted employee, because they always contain "potential value" for the company that you don't expect.

Create the workplace that introverts want

Delegating work that needs focus

Introverts are people who know how to listen to others. To make the most of their work ability, you can assign them tasks and tasks that require high listening ability.

For example, in meetings, you can let these personnel act as secretary for the meeting, recording everyone's opinions. You can even assign them the task of listening to customer feedback.

Create a favorable working environment

As mentioned above, introverted personnel are quite quiet people who do not like excitement. The noise-free environment is how to promote the ability of introverted personnel. At that time, they work very efficiently, full of energy. Ideally, you can give them a place to work alone, avoid sunlight and limit forcing them to communicate, work in groups, interact with colleagues.

Dealing “troublesome” work

According to many studies, introverted employees like to be organized, their brains are not normal compared to others. Even introverts have a very high IQ compared to extroverts. How to promote the ability of introverts is to give them complicated jobs such as product ideas, building business processes…

Create flexible working conditions

Because some introverts often prefer to work alone, in a quiet space, they allow themselves to work where they like. In order for them to come up with great ideas, you should create flexible working conditions so that they can have their own break.

Some notes when working with introverts

- Introverts often think before they speak and sometimes feel frustrated if they have to work with extroverts. Therefore, when these two types of personnel work together without any results, they need to be separated. But if these two work together, it's a great combination.

Introverts have a rather eccentric way of working

- The company's leadership needs to have a sympathetic view of introverts. Don't look at their work as weird, let them do their own thing.

If your company has introverted employees, then you should never think about leaving them or changing their way of working. Try doing the how to promote introverted human resources that we share above to apply. Hopefully, this article will bring you a lot of useful information.

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