"Pocket" 8 things employees need in their boss

Have you ever wondered, what do your employees need most from a leader? They want to receive a high salary, ideal working conditions or the opportunity to develop themselves. However, the above is already available in the personnel policy. In today's post we will list you 8 things employees need from their boss satisfy yourself.


We often think that salary is important. However, a high salary cannot make your employees more productive. Through the article "What do employees really want from a leader" author Jeff Haden, we can draw conclusions 8 things employees need from their boss. The first is freedom.

Boss should be the creator of freedom when working for employees

Autonomy and increased scope of authority are what every employee wants. When you give your employees freedom, it's like you're incubating innovation, freshness, and stability. Whenever possible, let your employees work freely as they please.

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Listen to suggestions

Every employee in the company has an equal right to speak. Everyone wants to give suggestions and ideas to develop a strong company. If you turn down ideas and suggestions from employees, you are pushing your good employees into robots.

Listen to those ideas attentively. Please provide additional comments to improve the proposal. Once you accept the proposal, then take the time to start building with your staff.

Accept suggestions, showing that their idea has a value of 1 in 8 things employees need from their boss.

Assign tasks to staff

All employees want to be part of an organization. Working hard and making a special mark on the company is something that employees also aspire to. Therefore, you need to give them the work, always trust and accept the results. You let your employees know what you expect from them and let them carry out their assigned tasks.

Please assign tasks to employees to do

Trust and expect

Each job should have different basic requirements. Leaders do not trust and criticize employees because the results are not good, will make employees feel worthless and do not want to try. Even just because the delivery of the order is delayed, you blame the staff, even though you yourself yesterday thoroughly checked the delivery standards. Then, distrust and blame make you lose the employee.


Connection is a thing in 8 things employees need from their boss. Employees go to work not simply to make money. They also want to work with people and show their friendliness. Similarly, employees expect their bosses to do the same. A greeting, a family talk, a smile… those moments are far more important than getting a good rating at meetings.


Every employee who works wants their boss to consider promoting them to a higher position or to make sure that the work will lead to something good in the future.

They want leaders, CEOs, managers who can guide and teach them their working experience. Therefore, you should take the time to develop your employees, promote them to positions that match their capacity in the company.

Frequent praise

Do you believe that your one word of praise this morning will make your employees 2 or even 3 times more productive? 8 things employees need from their boss there is one thing that every CEO needs to do is praise his employees when they complete the work whether the results are excellent or mediocre.

Your praise is the motivation for employees to develop and work effectively. Instead of saying harsh words, dragging employees' shortcomings to criticize, praising will promote their strengths much more.

Praise employees when they get the job done

Ready to help employees win

No one in this world wants to fail. Therefore, employees always want to be helped by the leader, showing the way to success. They need the CEO for realistic goals, to outline concrete and long-term steps, to help them change their erroneous views. Therefore, let's create conditions for employees to be successful for mutual benefits.

The relationship between leaders and employees sometimes has a great influence on operational results. A good manager needs to know what employees want and expect most from them. With 8 things employees need from their boss, hope you get more information for yourself to become a good leader.