How to choose the best person for a new business

Choosing people for a new business is not a simple job. Because finding talent for a newly established organization is always more difficult than that of already established businesses in the market. In the article below, ACABIZ will reveal to you the most effective way to choose employees for your new business.

Recruiting candidates with suitable experience

An employee's relevant work experience is determined not only by years of service, but also by specific achievements. To assess the candidate's experience, you should check the ability to handle work in a specific working environment.

New businesses should hire candidates with appropriate experience

In the process of reviewing candidates, you should pay attention to the circumstances, as well as the conditions they have been through. Potential candidates for a new business are those who are proficient in their work, know how to organize their work, and are especially interested in building a new business model.

Competitively motivated candidate

In the way select people for new business, you should prioritize the selection of candidates with competitive motivation. Because to attract customers, new businesses need to compete fiercely. For this reason, "young and green" businesses desperately need employees who accept the pressure of the park, always ready to accept new challenges.

Besides, they need to have a spirit of not accepting customers being "robbed" by their opponents, and always try to complete the best assigned tasks. During the interview process, you should ask the candidate a number of questions such as: hobbies in art, sports, other professional competencies... related to striving to overcome pressures at work.

If you see a candidate who does not like to compete, you should not prioritize the selection. Because this will affect the morale of other employees.

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Attention to patient candidates

Besides the competitive effort criteria, you should choose candidates who have patience and perseverance in working despite going through difficulties and strict situations at work. Also, you should ask candidates how they deal with challenges.

Choosing people for a new business you should pay attention to candidates with patience

If you have time, you should consult with business leaders where the candidate has worked to better understand their personality. This is one of the ways select people for new business that you need to be aware of.

Recruiting candidates with skills that businesses need

Some new businesses often easily accept unqualified employees, they often put their trust in the candidate's "quick apprentice". But when new hires are asked to do completely new jobs, they often make a lot of mistakes. This will cost businesses time and money to train and fix problems.

So, the best way to avoid these problems is to hire people who have already done the jobs your business needs. Don't be afraid to pay them more. It is better to pay higher wages to qualified people than to pay low wages to people who are completely ignorant of the task at hand.

Apply all relationships

In addition to posting job postings on job websites, posting vacancies in newspapers, magazines, etc., newly established businesses can make use of all the relationships such as: you friends, former colleagues, relatives, neighbors... to select potential candidates.

Multi-step screening interview

Many managers believe that a new business should only make a moderate recruitment request and only need a simple interview. But in fact, the multi-step screening interview will help new businesses save a lot of costs.

To do this, first interview the candidate by phone, to select potential candidates for subsequent interviews. Then interview at the office. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the information that the candidate provides.

Finally, you should create an interview outside the working environment to have a comfortable space, get the most comprehensive view of the candidate you want to choose. Don't underestimate how select people for new business hey!

New businesses should do a multi-step screening interview

Working capacity test

For a start-up business, the probationary period of new employees always plays a very important role. During the probationary period, if an employee fails to prove his or her ability to work, or proves to be inconsistent with his or her working style and tempo, then it's best not to sign a formal contract with that person.

So, in the above post ACABIZ shared with you the secret choose someone for the new business. Hopefully, through this article, you can apply it in the recruitment process to select the most potential candidates to contribute to the development of the company.