“Tip” 4 ways to motivate employees every day

4 ways to motivate employees every day is a keyword searched by many leaders/managers, because this is a way to help promote work efficiency quickly. And let's clarify what those 4 ways are in the article that Acabiz summarizes.

4 ways to motivate employees every day

Motivating employees every day in the working process plays an extremely important role. It is the "leverage" to help employees complete the best work. At the same time, creating a progressive and developing working culture from individual to collective. And to be able to achieve these benefits, leaders/managers need to know the following 4 ways to motivate employees:

Always know how to thank

"Words don't cost money to buy, choose words that please each other", and in which thank you is always a way to show respect and politeness in communication. Therefore, in the process of working, managers / leaders need to know how to thank their employees with the most sincerity.

Know how to thank an employee for a job well done

Specifically, every time an employee does a good job, proposes a good idea in a meeting or in the working process, the manager/leader should thank them. This will help employees feel respected and at the same time realize their importance in their work. As a result, employees work more efficiently.

>> The art of a great leader's employee criticism

The art of motivating employees not all leaders know

Learn to listen

One of 4 ways to motivate employees every day plays a very important role in learning how to listen. This is an important skill that any leader needs to master if they want to motivate their employees to work more effectively.

And the most effective way to listen is to follow the 1-to-1 model. Specifically, you will organize meetings in the form of 1 to 1, ie only junior and senior staff. In the process of maintaining the meeting, instead of spending too much time discussing the work, the manager also needs to listen to the employees' sharing. It can be sharing about career goals, ambitions, dreams, plans for the future and how to implement them…

When you listen to these employees' shares, you will understand more about how employees work in the present time. From there, recognize the loopholes that employees are facing so that they can be promptly remedied, helping them complete their work better. Listening also helps employees see that you care about employees, so they will have more dedication.

Listening is one of the ways to show respect to employees

Don't miss the treat

Don't regret the treat is one of 4 ways to motivate employees every day that businesses are now applying very well. The hospitality here is represented by bonuses besides the basic salary such as: bonus based on sales, Tet bonus, birthday bonus, visitation money when sick, congratulatory money when getting married…

Besides, many businesses also organize meals, parties or picnics for employees, helping to reduce stress and relax more after working hours. This will help employees feel that their spiritual life is taken care of, so they are motivated to work more effectively.

Particularly for bonuses for employees, managers also need to consider the right person, with the right capacity. Because, rewarding in the wrong place can unintentionally turn the incentive into envy and jealousy among employees.

Create opportunities for employees

Opportunities for employees will be created from the working process itself, and the creator of those opportunities is the manager. Creating opportunities will be a premise for employees to try and express themselves better. If only employees work in one place, over time, it will create a self-motivated, even dependent mentality.

In case employees find it difficult to face those opportunities, managers can motivate them by giving suggestions and solutions for employees to complete more easily. And when they have accomplished their goals, managers should motivate them with certain bonuses. This is one of 4 ways to motivate employees every day that managers need to know.

Let's create more opportunities for employees to develop themselves

Note when motivating employees

To get the most out of motivation, managers need to know how to do it. Specifically, when motivating employees, you need to keep the following notes in mind:

- Motivational strategies need to be maintained on a regular basis to create an effective motivational sequence.

- Motivating the right people, at the right time and with the right capacity.

- Limiting excess while motivating employees.

- Avoid putting personal feelings or emotions in when motivating employees.

With 4 ways to motivate employees every day that Acabiz sharing, will definitely help managers/leaders to increase work value more effectively.