Human resource management skills in the enterprise

Human resource management in enterprises is an important strategy, which should be paid special attention by businesses if they want to succeed.

Human resources are the foundation of the strength of an enterprise. Therefore, human resource management strategies and methods need to be prepared and implemented methodically. So what is human resource management? What are the required skills of an HR manager? Let's find out with Acabiz through the article below.

What is Human Resource Management?

Human resource management in an enterprise includes activities of building, fostering, leading and retaining talent to manage and use human resources in a reasonable and effective manner.

Human resource management skills in the enterprise

Human resource is the core element of an enterprise. The person who is primarily responsible for human resource management needs to lead the team to achieve the common goals of the business.

>> The optimal human resource management process for businesses doanh

Skills for Professional HR Managers

a. Professional skills in HR  

A professional human resource manager needs to have enough professional skills in human resource management. And it must be cultivated regularly. Include:

- Skilled in planning and managing human resources         

- Know how to plan and optimize human resource structure to operate and develop human resources         

- Analyze and build portraits of potential positions, necessary positions for businesses         

- Interviewing and HR skills         

- Building an information connection between personnel and management levels         

- Support and encourage personnel integration, self-development, training when necessary, etc.         

Human resource managers need to always have solid knowledge about management and training to support employees to maximize development in the corporate environment.

b. Management skills 

How to manage human resources well?

With human resource management, management skills are especially important. In addition to the need to effectively manage people, skills directly related to management need attention such as:

- Develop and manage training and human resource development plans         

- Build, establish connections         

- Develop employee welfare policy         

- Manage recruitment activities, improve personnel quality         

In addition, human resource managers need to have soft skills in emotional management and internal relationships in order to perform their jobs smoothly and effectively.

c. Communication skills  

Effective communication is an extremely necessary skill for professional HR professionals. You need to be sharp, skillful in communicating, providing and receiving information with everyone. If you communicate and can capture their psychology, then you will definitely have the most suitable solution.

The job of a human resources manager is not only to supervise, monitor and also build good relationships with employees, between employees or the relationship between the boss and his employees.

d. Negotiation and persuasion skills  

As a human resources manager, you are the one who needs to regularly communicate and make decisions. Proficient negotiation and persuasion skills will support you to do your job well such as:

- Negotiate with employees about benefits, compensation         

- Persuading employees to accept decisions of superiors, negotiating with superiors about proposals from subordinates         

- Persuading superiors to approve proposed policies,...         

Human resource management combined with training


Currently, the combination of human resource management with training is one of the trends chosen by many businesses. By monitoring the training process of employees, management can also evaluate employees, efforts and efforts. From there, there is a development orientation and staff management.


With Acabiz – the optimal HR training solution, businesses will really manage their personnel more easily and closely. By tracking the learning, development and capacity assessment of employees, businesses will be able to combine management with supporting staff development throughout the working process. This combination not only gives managers accurate assessment results, but also saves time and effort for HR managers. 

>> Develop a human resource management plan for the enterprise

>> Personnel training process in SMEs