Answering questions: Which model is suitable for team training?

Train the team which model is suitable? To be able to train your team to improve effectively, you need to choose the best model for your team. However, not everyone can grasp the most appropriate model for their team. In the article below, ACABIZ will suggest you a team coaching model with 2 different approaches.

Group therapy model

Which model is suitable for team training? With the team therapy coaching model, the manager needs to be thoroughly trained to be able to master the knowledge of team formation and development. They will bring the team together in a meeting and encourage each member to speak out about their strengths and weaknesses.

Managers need to be well trained to choose the right model

This is to build trust and the spirit of helping each other in the collective. On the other hand, create conditions for the whole group to discuss and find a way to solve difficult tasks of the whole group. This model is done in 2 steps as follows:

Step 1: Collect information

Before starting the meeting, each member needs to answer questions to be able to assess the quality and capacity based on criteria such as: consistency, ability to withstand pressure work, enthusiasm, time management ability, the ability to think broadly…

Then all colleagues and coaches will test each team member. It could be a few questions like: “What is the character of a leader that needs to develop?” “what traits should leaders avoid?”… All the information that each member responds to will be reviewed and studied by the coach right before the meeting.

Step 2: Discuss the information gathered

T During the first few days, the facilitator will directly discuss with the group the topic of leadership and outline the characteristics of a highly specialized team. At the end of the day, each member will receive a summary of their information and comments.

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By day 2, these summaries will be discussed in more detail by the whole group. The goal is to determine what they need to do to develop themselves. And to do this, each member should choose or ask 1 or 2 colleagues to supervise their work.

In the group therapy model, the group discusses the information gathered

2. Leadership model focuses on solving tasks

Which model is suitable for team training? With a leadership model that mainly focuses on solving tasks, the instructor is not only the leader, the leader, but can also be ordinary employees, even outside collaborators. outside.

The essence of this training is to build a strong team. The selected people are employees who are well aware of the tasks that need to be performed in the near future, and they need to envision an appropriate reward system after completing the task.

Therefore, in order to achieve many high achievements, a leader only needs to have a guide who plans in detail and has a high sense of focus when assigned a task.

If training follows this model, you should also start at the meeting. The leader will help the members orient the common tasks, and at the same time understand the essential requirements for themselves in the group's activities. Discussions, comments, problem analysis will help the whole group improve their skills.

After the group has completed the assigned task, the leader will hold a meeting to analyze the problem and draw lessons. Thereby, the whole team can apply the accumulated knowledge and knowledge to work more effectively in the future.

You can also use task-focused leadership

How to solve group problems

The above two models only focus on perfecting the process of solving problems at work, and hardly care about the relationship between individuals and individuals.

If you want to identify problems that affect team productivity, leaders need to address questions like: Does each member understand the collective goal of the team? ? Does the assigned task motivate each person's work ethic? Is the assignment of work appropriate for each individual? Is the reward after completing the quest reasonable?...

So, in the above post, ACABIZ helped you answer your question Train the team which model is suitable. Training needs to be based on different factors. We hope that with the information we share, you can choose the model that best suits your team.