Detailed list of business administration expenses

In the course of business operations, administrative expenses are incurred and need to be spent to operate production activities. In these fees, there are many very small expenses that are overlooked, leaving many people unaware. In this article, we will list in detail the types of business management expenses that need to be spent.

Assorted business administration expenses

Before listing the management fees, we need to understand why businesses have to pay this fee. Simply put, an administrative cost is a fee that a company needs to spend to operate its operations. It is related to other activities of the enterprise, not separate.

Business administration expenses used to operate the business

It can be affirmed that management costs are a difficult problem that requires business owners to consider and balance them reasonably to bring high efficiency to the business.

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Employee salary

Salaries and salaries paid to employees are an expense that every company needs to pay to employees. Moreover, the company also has to pay additional amounts of social insurance, allowances, uniform costs.

Office rental cost

There are many businesses without headquarters that often have to rent an office. Therefore, this cost is included in the management cost. Currently, there are many types of office for rent such as shared office, office package rental by year, business space rental or whole house for company office.

However, there is a note for the whole house rental form of ordinary households without invoices and documents, so it often ignores the management costs of the business, causing the corporate income tax to increase. To minimize tax, you can ask the owner of the house to go to the tax office to buy a sales invoice to send to the company.

Outsourced services

Outsourced services often arise in the process of business management that we can easily list such as phone bills, electricity and water bills, Internet services, courier services, expenses advertising, hiring seasonal staff…

Ads are an outsourced cost in the management fee of the business


Stationery used in the company when declared will be included in the business management expenses such as: printing paper, pens, rulers, scissors, printing costs, envelopes, vouchers, machines printer, computer, fax machine…

Fees and fees

Fees and fees that businesses have to pay are land taxes, license fees, fees for copies, authentication, tolls.
You should note, tolls are the most often overlooked expense because the accountants do not collect the toll receipts, this fee can include the payment of highway tickets, public transport tickets. employee's work.

Depreciation of fixed assets

When listing the types of business administration expenses, we can include asset depreciation expenses such as vehicle costs, construction depreciation expenses such as desks, office space. job, chair,...

In addition, there are a number of other fees, such as provision for bad debts, expenses for receiving guests, meals or using outside services such as Tet gifts, gifts, bonuses hot…

Cost to buy machinery

For manufacturing enterprises, the procurement of machinery, tools and labor tools is essential. These tools can be crane trucks, specialized vehicles, gluing machines, presses, color printers, sewing machines….

Good control of business administration costs

In order not to lose or increase the administrative costs of the business each month, the supervisor needs to:

- Provide profit sharing policies that are suitable for employees to ensure that the company does not suffer losses and employees' interests are not lost.

- Control the use of assets in the company, preserve and protect fixed assets so as not to waste money on maintenance.

- Establish control policies within the company for employees who work dishonestly, cheat, undercut public funds.

- Planning and considering outsourcing tasks such as: Hiring a cleaning service package, seasonal staff…

The company needs to detail the fees to be paid each month

- Maintain and report monthly cash flow to company account.

- Make a list of surcharges that the company spends in the process of operation in detail. Not only that, this is an expense that requires paying tax so you are not allowed to ignore it, but you must list it in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The above article lists the business administration expenses that are frequently incurred and missed in the declaration process that anyone needs to pay attention to to manage and control.

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